Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can you appeal your tax dispute with the IRS?

Many of the different departments within IRS are responsible for making decisions concerning the application of tax law to various taxpayer issues. In some cases, agreement on these decisions, or determinations, cannot be reached. In other words, the taxpayer does not agree with the determination.

This is where Appeals comes in. Appeals is independent of any other IRS office and serves as an informal administrative forum for any taxpayer who disagrees with an IRS determination. Appeals provides a venue where disagreements concerning the application of tax law can be resolved on a fair and impartial basis for both the taxpayer and the government. The mission of Appeals is to settle tax disagreements without having to go to the Courts and a formal trial.

As with all dealings with the IRS it is a goos idea to have someone representing you. If you need to ask some questions and find out more, get in touch with a firm who can help you.

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